The little match girl (2)
Tenchi muyo gxp (6)
Tales of phantasia (5)
Tonagura (1)
Twin angels | inju seisen (4)
Twinbee (9)
The lion king (1)
Taimanin asagi (39)
They are my noble masters (3)
Tokyo mirage sessions fe (1)
The ring (2)
Tekken (31)
Tiger and bunny (52)
Takamare takamaru (4)
The legend of heroes | eiyuu densetsu (9)
Twin angels (44)
Tales of destiny 2 (1)
Tales of vesperia (35)
The vision of escaflowne (8)
Tsukiatte yo satsuki-chan (1)
The evil within (1)
Tales of berseria (8)
Toukiden (1)
The world god only knows (13)
Tengen toppa gurren lagann (61)
The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya (214)
The emperors new groove (1)
The sacred blacksmith (4)
Tsuritama (5)
Toradora (39)
To heart (113)
Tenchi muyo (103)
Tonari no miko-san wa minna warau (4)
The severing crime edge (2)
Tico of the seven seas (2)
The last story (1)
The story of perrine (3)
Taboo charming mother (1)
Toheart2 (190)
Tales of xillia (34)
Teen titans (4)
Tamako market (14)
Utawarerumono (42)
Unlight (6)
Utawarerumono itsuwari no kamen (16)
Umi monogatari (3)
Ultraman (42)
Umisho (3)
Under night in-birth (2)
Ukagaka (1)
Usodere (2)
Uta no prince-sama (20)
Uchuu no stellvia | stellvia of the universe (1)
Ueno-san wa bukiyou (4)
Undertale (15)
Undead unluck (1)
Uchuu kazoku carl vinson (1)
Uchuu no stellvia (25)
Uq holder (3)
Upotte (6)
Un-go (2)
Ufo princess valkyrie (2)
Umineko no naku koro ni (14)
Ultimate girls (2)
Urusei yatsura (71)
Uma musume pretty derby (16)
Uzaki-chan wa asobitai (13)
Vampire princess miyu (7)
Valkyrie no bouken (3)
Voltage fighter gowcaizer (5)
Virtual on (3)
Victory gundam (7)
Valkyrie drive (6)
Voltes v (4)
Violinist of hameln (1)
Video girl ai (4)
Variable geo (6)
Vandread (11)
Valkyria chronicles 2 (5)
Violet evergarden (8)
Viper v16 (2)
Vampiyan kids (2)
Violated heroine (2)
Valvrave the liberator (5)
Valkyria chronicles 3 (6)
Vividred operation (17)
Valkyria chronicles 2 | senjou no valkyria 2 (1)
Virtua fighter (9)
Voltron (12)
Vocaloid (208)
Valkyrie profile (7)
Viper rsr (7)
Viper f40 (2)
Voiceroid (79)
Valkyria chronicles (19)
Viper (16)
Viper gts (7)
Va-11 hall-a (2)
Whistle (9)
Warioware (1)
Working (55)
Waku waku 7 (2)
Watashi nouryoku wa heikinchi de tte itta yo ne (1)
Wedding peach (4)
Wizard of oz (3)
Wonderland wars (4)
World masterpiece theater (17)
Wakakusa monogatari nan to jou sensei (1)
World heroes (3)
Whisper of the heart (1)
Walkure romanze (15)
Watashi no ouchi wa honya-san (1)
Wrestle angels (4)
Wild arms (6)
Wander over yonder (1)
Wild arms 2 (2)
Wonder project j2 (1)
Waka okami wa shougakusei (8)
Warframe (2)
Warship girls (19)