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Teen Sex Pheromone legend Vol.1 1-5 Amateurs

[佐藤丸美] フェロモンの伝説 Vol.1 第1-5話


Languages: Japanese
Categories: Manga
119 pages - Uploaded
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#397633 - I thought about nothing else for the rest of the week a mixture of jealousy and arousal at the thought of Alison arranging to cheat on me again , I had tried to get intimate with her on a couple of occasions but was told that was not going to happen until we were even and if I wanted to speed things up I should be helping her !…. I found out that she was picking the guys up at of all places the Sainsbury supermarket coffee shop, apparently all she did was sit close to a good looking guy engage him in conversation, tell him about her cheating worthless waste of a husband she had and then it was back to ours, knickers off and legs spread and his arse going like a fiddlers elbow, I know this as she took great pleasure in telling me after her second guy had came and went that’s how she was going about it, the second guy had not cut the ice too well with Alison as he came too quickly so no seconds for him but she took great pleasure in letting me know that she had arranged for the big

Read Teen Sex Pheromone legend Vol.1 1-5 Amateurs Pheromone legend Vol.1 1-5

Most commented on Teen Sex Pheromone legend Vol.1 1-5 Amateurs

That when you start fucking you mom
Karan uminagi
Thank you
Anya alstreim
Says the other fat ass